I'm not exactly ecstatic to sound like a pointy-earred, whale-pipin', leaf-lovin', grumpy-ass greybeard, it's just the only way for me to vent. I want genuine feedback not trying to incite conflict and shit. Had a heated debate about it with 4 people on discord and now I just need some closure on what other people think because I feel like I'm crazy now. I can't help but feel like anyone who says this weapon is balanced is just coping with the fact that GSG has concluded weapon balances on the new primaries, so please prove me wrong.Īlso sorry that I'm obviously coming off super aggressive. As soon as I turn off that mod, I run out of ammo before the first wave even comes and I literally shoot like 2-3 clips (and I usually reload my clips half way through using them so more like 1-1.5 clips). It was released on jon armor games, septemon kongregate, and septemon newgrounds.

I've been stuck using the mod.io increased ammo mod and I feel crazy having it be the only way I'm comfortable with this weapon. Key hacks 3 money 4 health 5 exp 6 ammo for all weapons 7 attribute points 8 skill points 9 unlock all guns + no reload, unlimited stamina, a lot of weight. I am not trolling, I am 100% serious: give me 150-300 more damn ammo or tell me how to use the gun properly (and I mean the GUN, not "you can only use this one overclock and use it on this one enemy and you must restrict all abilities to enjoy this weapon").