She sings and conducts at the murga company “Notalpié” and is also the lead singer of the folk music group “Allpa Munay”, dedicated to the work of Atahualpa Yupanqui.Ħ YouTube: channel/UCIYikITlTNaS8TptQ7YKS3wħ Instagram: opera.queer/ An interview with Ópera Queer She sang the roles of Papageno, Nardo, Guglielmo, Belcore, Gasparo, Javert, Grizabella, Musetta, Sorceress in the most prestigious venues in Argentina such as the CCK, the Usina del Arte, the Avenida Theater and the Colon Theater.Ĥ Ferni de Gyldenfeldt holds a Bachelor degree on Musical Arts at Universidad Nacional de las Artes (Argentina), and a degree from the City Conservatory of Buenos Aires. She 1 made her baritone debut at age 22 at the “Teatro Roma”, in Argentina. 1 Inclusive or non-sexist language is used throughout the interview, both by the interviewees and the (.)ģ Luchi de Gyldenfeldt has a Bachelor degree in Musical Arts at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA).The show contains an amazing combination of jokes, bizarre translations of the arias and speeches about the rights of sexual minorities. Luchi de Gyldenfelt becomes a countertenor and a soprano, while Ferni plays baritone roles, both dressed in exquisite drag costumes. It is a journey across the most famous and beautiful hits of classical operas. At the same time, they work in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional de las Artes, participating in sexual education programs.Ģ Attending to a musical show of Opera Queer is an exciting experience. The shows are presented at downtown pubs and theaters of Buenos Aires. Both singers graduated from the Universidad Nacional de las Artes (Argentina), and have been exploring their vocal registers since the beginning of the project. The pianist, Luigi, plays many opera arias and duets, while the twins sing from baritone to soprano registers, according to the requirements of the works.

The twins Luchi and Ferni de Gyldenfeldt, the stars of the Opera, show a mix of humor, drag costumes and artivism in relation to LGBTIQ+ rights. 1 Opera Queer is a LGBTIQ+ musical show that defies and challenges the way we are used to thinking of opera in Argentina.